Economic Justice
Green Jobs for All
We advocate for green jobs training and career pathways for impacted communities as part of the Portland Harbor cleanup, restoration, and redevelopment.
We also anticipate the potential for long-term, green industrial jobs on cleaned-up riverfront properties.
Inclusive Procurement and Community Benefits
We demand a site-specific Community Benefits Agreement that could be translated to other remediation projects around the state and nation. This would ensure that affected residents' voices shape community benefits that deliver opportunities for infrastructure and a diverse local workforce.
*Read more about Community Benefit Agreements and Inclusive Procurement tools below
We fight for Inclusive Procurement Tools to ensure a standard between Public and Private polluters, advancing workforce and contract equity goals and other values in the Portland Harbor remedial design, action processes, and future riverside development.
What are Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs)?
Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) are safeguards to ensure affected residents and communities receive the benefits of major infrastructure projects. They allow community groups and members to have a voice in shaping a project, push for benefits that are tailored to their particular needs, and enforce developer’s promises.
Site-specific CBAs ensure that particular projects create opportunities for local workers and communities.
If you are interested in learning more, please refer to our Community Benefits and Superfund Glossary!
Read more about CBAs and see specific examples in this PowerSwitch action article!
Watch Union United’s Somerville Community video on CBAs!
What about Inclusive Procurement Tools?
PHCC fights for a range of Inclusive Procurement Tools. These tools ensure a standard between public and private polluters in promoting and advancing workforce and contract equity goals and other values concerning the Portland Harbor cleanup, restoration, and future development.
We have succeeded in securing some standards for contract recruitment and hiring processes that have involved community members in decision-making and continue this work.